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KillTimer 4.9 Read Me
To start KillTimer, double-click KillTime.exe. It's icon should then appear in the Win95 system tray (If AOL isn't running the icon will have a red "X" over it to show that it is disabled). Then you can double-click the icon to exit, or right-click for KillTimer's menu.

Here are the menu items described:

About Menu Program Information - Shows program information and copyright. =)
KillTimer Web Site... - Opens this website in your default browser
E-mail Author - Starts your default mail program with a blank e-mail addressed to KillTimer support.

 KillTimer Status - Click this to see how many windows KillTimer has closed, both globally or for the current session only.

Options Menu Play Sounds - When this is checked, KillTimer will play a system sound every time a "46 minute" or "You have been idle..." is answered.
Smart Invite Close - When this is enabled, KillTimer will only close invitations with World Wide Web URLs in them (Example: "").
Random Wait - This feature will wait for a random interval (up to a second longer) before clicking the "Yes" button on the "You have been idle..." dialog. This will supposedly make it impossible for AOL to detect that you are using KillTimer.
Close on AOL Exit - When checked, KillTimer will automatically close when AOL does.

Hide / Show AOL - This will toggle whether the AOL client is visible or not.

 Kill Timer Messages - If this is checked, KillTimer will click the "Ok" button on the "You have been online for 46 minutes..." dialog.

 Kill Idle Messages - If this is checked, KillTimer clicks the "Yes" button on the "You have been idle..." dialogs.

 Kill Instant Messages - When checked, KillTimer will close all Instant Messages (IMs) automatically. This may help keep you from being "punted".

 Kill Invitations - If this is checked, KillTimer will close all Invitations automatically.

 Exit - Exits the program.


While this release appears to be very reliable, it has not been extensivly tested and I would appreciate it if you notified me of any problems with KillTimer. You can find out more information on contacting me here. Thanks.


This software is provided "as is" and is without warranty of any kind. Whatever may arise out of your use or misuse of this program is entirely your responsibility. Further distribution of this program is permitted, provided that no money is charged, and it is distributed in it's original, unmodified archive (KillT49.exe).

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This page last updated on July 22, 1998. Best viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher at an 800x600 resolution.

Site © 1998 Christopher Bajgier. All rights reserved.